Corona Curbs livelihood of Bollywood

Corona Curbs livelihood of Bollywood

Outbreak of Corona virus is not only impacting the society of the whole world and affecting the health of millions of people but also leading to a huge negative financial impact on millions of people around the globe.

Government and Authorities are working out plan to ease out the worst financial situation arising out of it. The help plan of Governments may be more helpful to the organised sector because these helps will be distributed under structured / conditional policy, accessibilities and distribution mechanism.

The biggest sufferer would be people working in unorganized sector, Bollywood the producer of the largest numbers of film in the world today is also offer huge numbers contractual employment, is going to be hit badly.

Bollywood film industries, where a film itself is a project work, having an environment of contract-based work and employment.

Entire film business chain from concept to Production, reproduction and release depends on the contract model of working whether it is creative unit, Costume team, Support staff, Extra artist, Sound engineer/artist, electrician, Spot boy, Transport management staff, Drivers, Food and catering providers, Lighting team, many unimaginable job performer , other odd job performer, Stunt man / team these group of people necessarily work under the contract basis that means the shooting must go on to earn the lively hood of these valuable human resource employed in Bollywood.

But due to Corona Virus our break the industry has decided to halt all shootings and created a huge financial challenge to the workers/ vendors of Bollywood.

Curb on shooting means no work which is very disturbing that these people will have to suffer financially because of the virus outbreak.

As of now the world is suggesting only one solution that is social distancing it is actually this solution of “Social Distancing” has become such a huge problem that people are now getting affected severely in terms of finance and economy.

This is the time we must come together, Society, Film Industries Association, Government, Civil Society, Media have to come together and play a positive role in to it and save the people working in Bollywood Industries and keeping the film industries going on.


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