Silver Gandhi Wins the Best Biographical Film Award of SRFA Cannes 2020


Renowned Ad Film director, Avinash Nanda, bags the award in the Best Biographical Film Award of India category at the recently concluded Silk Road Film Festival Cannes on the 31st of December 2020.

Avinash Nanda caught the imagination of judges at The Silk Road Film Festival Cannes Award, emerging as the Best Biographical Film in the film Silver Gandhi. His nharrative style and vison of a clean and unpolluted India sat well wityh th jury .
The Silk Road Film Awards Cannes is a competition with annual screenings open to independent filmmakers, short-form, art professionals, and feature-length works from different parts of the world. Emerging as the “Best Biographical Film of India” was no small feat, considering the level of competition in the category. The only Indian film which got this prestigious award.

Sharing his opinion, Avinash Nanda, director of Silver Gandhi, said his film will encourage and inspire hundreds of Indians to choose a life of cleanliness and hygiene. Today Silver Gandhi is an icon of courage and hope against the widespread problem of open defecation and unhygienic conditions courage and hope. I heartily thank my Producers Santosh Shetty, Sangeeta Hans & specially Rajinder Singh Bhatia. And my writer #Abhimanyu Mishra & #Sanjay Masoomm.


Avinash Nanda is an Indian filmmaker who has directed more than 450 Television Commercials for National & International clients over the last few years. Avinash Nanda’s last released Hindi film “TWO DESIRES AND A DREAM” had made a record with A Rare Attempt starring World’s First ever Quadriplegic Actor.He is the co owner of top production house based in mumbai.


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