Alia Bhatt’s love for stray animals

Alia Bhatt with a stray dog

One young star that stood out in the current Diwali celebrations is none other than ardent animal lover Alia Bhatt who was back with her campaign #PoochOverPataka.

2nd year in the running, Alia Bhatt actively promoted her #PoonchOverPataka this year too requesting her fans to feed strays and be mindful of the poor animals.

Stressing out how the sound of fire crackers on the street causes immense distress and harm to the street animals, Alia urged her fans to be mindful of these poor souls who scamper and hide when the firecrackers go off.

In her tweet, she said, The sound of firecrackers can be stressful and an animal on the street might starve itself so that it doesn’t have to leave it’s hiding spot. So this year, celebrate Diwali the Coexist way by choosing to feed a stray in your neighbourhood in the day time! Choose #PoochOverPataka.

She then went on to tweet again about the support of an NGO.

For an actress who was ridiculed by the netizens and heavily trolled for her poor IQ, this young star proved that she has more brains than most of her trolls and indeed has her heart in the right place. Salute.


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