Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story Is The Only Indian Entry In IMDB’s All-Time Favourite List

Scam 1992 The Harshad Mehta Story

Harshad Mehta’s bio series, Scam 1992, has another reason to cheer for. The highly acclaimed IMDb has curated a list of the most popular web series and television serials of all time. The list has 163 titles from the world over but has only one Indian entry. Applause Entertainments, Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story, directed by Hansal Mehta, has made it to the coveted list as one of the most-watched series from across the world. Upon receiving the honors, Pratik Gandhi, the lead of the series, said that they all knew they were doing a sincere job of it but going this far was never anyone’s guess. He added that his biggest reason for accepting the role of Harshad Mehta was director Hansal Mehta. Pratik further said that he loves playing real-life characters, and has played a few of them on stage like Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. According to him, it is always a challenge to play a real-life character, especially the one which is as much in the public domain as Harshad Mehta. Talking about his character, he says that there was a lot of material provided to him and he too dug into a lot of research on Mehta. He also had to put on 18 Kilos before starting the shoot as he was quite lean before. Being a Gujarati helped him understand Harshad Mehta better. Determination of being self-employed, getting a hang of money matters, and entrepreneurial spirit are all Gujarati traits that helped him in getting in sync with the character. Although, Pratik admits that he is from a family of educationists, and none of his family members is an entrepreneur.


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