Another Complaint Filed Against Kangana Ranaut For Her Insensitive Remarks On The Farmer Movement By Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee Chief


Manjinder Singh Sirsa, who is the president of Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee, has filed a complaint against actress Kangana Ranaut and demanded that her Padma Shri be immediately withdrawn.

As per Manjinder, Kangana stating that the three farm laws were withdrawn by the Government due to the Khalistan terrorists is a disrespect to the farmers. Calling her a factory of hate, Manjinder went on to say that her statement highlights her cheap mentality. He has demanded stern action by the Government against Kangana for hateful content on her social media page. He further added that not only her security and Padma Shri should be withdrawn, but she should also be put in jail or a mental asylum.

Manjinder has posted his complaint on Twitter to the Delhi Police against Kangana due to her Instagram post, which said that decisive action has been taken by Prime Minister Modi against the Khalistani’s. Although the actress did not name Indira Gandhi, she did mention that let us not forget one woman who crushed these Khalistani’s under her shoes.


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